Saturday, May 9, 2009

Rock, Paper, Scissors

So we were watching an extremely inspiring and thought-provoking movie the other day... Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium, and it led us to an interesting question: how in the world does paper beat rock? I mean think about it! Since when does being able to cover something equal dominance? Does that mean clothes beat people? Or that bedspreads beat beds? Paper works when it comes to being beaten by scissors, but to think that you could conquer a rock by covering it with paper is just non-sensical. So Riley and I decided to think of what could really beat a rock but not scissors. My suggestion was erosion. Here's my reasoning: Erosion is the transport of broken down rock/soil/etc which can wear away at a rock until it is almost nothing. At the same time, your scissors are not going to be worn away like rock would. Riley thought that my reasoning was flawed due to the process of rusting. My response was that rusting is not a part of erosion, it is weathering. This heated discussion resulted in internet research and a call to my favorite geologist. She confirmed that rusting is indeed not part of erosion, making me right, not that it matters of course:) Anyhow, if you have any suggestions on something that beats rock but not scissors, please let me know. We are having a hard time coming up with a hand signal for erosion.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Love and School Supplies

One of the best parts of being an intermediate teacher is intercepting some fabulous notes. I came across this tasty treat after school while cleaning up. Part of what makes this so great is who the note belongs to.

Just picture it: A very tall somewhat hefty Native American girl who could take me down in a second...and a short, stalky Vietnamese boy (at least a foot shorter than the girl) who speaks broken English and is quite the comedian because of his over the top emotional outbursts of joy. Are you picturing it? Okay....

Girl: Do you Like me? Yes or no.
Boy: No.
Girl: Why not? I like you!
Boy: Because I love someone else in the class.
Girl: Who? I wont tell! Name______________.
Boy: She is my secret admirer.
Girl: Well...I <3 you!!!!!
Boy: I don't like you. Can I borrow a pencil?

Glad to see he chose the kinder route and asked for a pencil instead of a pen. Telling someone you don't like them and then asking for a pen would be just plain insensitive.


I'd be a lot less afraid of it if I just knew what it was called....

This post has nothing to do with the title. I was just thinking of how funny the movie Over the Hedge is and decided to use that as my title. Anywhoooooo...

Nothing to exciting to comment about, I just felt like Angela was sort of hogging the blogging (hehe...hogging...blogging...okay nevermind) so I needed to step in and let everyone know I'm still alive! So here is the readers digest version of my life lately:

-I got fired. Yes, I joined the thousands who can say, "I remember back in 09' when times got tough and even I lost my job" Oh goody. Good news is I am high on the list to get rehired and there is the possibility I might even get my same job back. Updates should come sometime next week so cross your fingers! And..."say a little prayer for me..." (cue Julia Roberts and dancing lobsters...anyone? anyone? I know you know it Ang!!)

-Ten days left of school. Enough said.

-My big sister is having a baby and I cannot wait to be an aunt. Still don't know the gender yet but I'll keep you posted. If its a girl the name is pretty much set on Piper Clementine Henderson. As for a boy..still workin on it. I love my hippie, trendy, Seattle loving sister. :)

-I have recently succumbed to an addiction to ZUMBA! If you don't know what it is, just imagine 30 or so women (and one very enthusiastic asian man) of all ages, shapes, sizes, and hip thrusting abilities shaking their booties to latin and hip-hop music. It is glorious and a dang good workout!

And there you have it. How thrilling right? :)

Much love!