So the last few days have been spent discovering the joys of our new Wii. There are just so many possibilities!!! You can "work out" on the Wii fit (don't knock it 'til you try it), search for the Ark of the Covenant on LEGO Indiana Jones, get Wii-bow playing Wii tennis, snowboard with Shawn White, or just sitting around making various celibrities and friends into "mii's" (we already have my whole family, Jack Sparrow, Hannah Montana, Mr. T, Harry Potter, Snape, and our favorite, Michael Jackson). You have to be careful though, Wii-ing is not for the faint of heart. For example, if you create a profile on the Wii fit you have to be willing to proclaim your age and weight. And if you register as "overweight" your mii is given a rather protrusive gut. Then if your electronic trainer thinks your athletic performance is not up to snuff, you only get one (out of four) stars and are labeled things like "couch potato". I try not to take offense, but you really have to take your confidence pill before you begin.
But even though it is enjoyable to sit by yourself and waste your time pointing a white piece of plastic at your TV (or hurling it at your TV if you aren't careful, I would highly encourage the use of the wrist strap), it is way more fun to do it in a group. I have had many a belly laugh watching my family try to figure out the complex inner workings of the latest in gamer technology.

Here is dad snowboarding

Riley is showing us how he can mimic the picture on the game.
Of course if you are tired of staring at your TV, you can enjoy your Wii just by talking to your friends about it. You can tell your friends you "spent all afternoon playing with my Wii" and they can snicker quietly to themselves. Or you can enjoy your friends' reactions when you ask them if they would like to come play with your Wii. You may even find a good place to throw in a "That's what she said". And yes, we do still have the mind of a middle-schooler.
Oh, and here is a cute Christmas picture of Riley and I.

Have to have a lot of self confidence to play with the Wii in front of family! No mercy!!!
My favorite..."Call Josh and tell him to get his Wii over here so we can play with both our Wii's at the same time." hehe...Wii...hehe
It's a good thing I got a camera for Christmas or you wouldn't have any pictures of your wii.
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