There is a funk in my house. I don't know where it is coming from. I started smelling it last night when I got home from my day out and about, so I don't know if there was just something percolating in my trash and after a long day away it was very noticeable when I got home, or if it coincided with the return of my husband from his mini camping trip. I thought that maybe if I went to sleep that in the morning it would be better. I was mistaken. I am breathing in short gasps as I sit here on the couch typing. Maybe it's just my overly-sensitive olfactory nerve that is the problem. I tried taking the trash out (and by "taking the trash out" I mean that I pulled the bag out of the trash can, tied it shut, then set it outside the front door for someone who is not in their robe and pj's to carry to the curb). Smell is still here. I'm thinking that maybe I need to wipe out the trash can with bleach or something, like maybe the smell is living inside the plastic itself. Riley keeps saying that someday we will get a "nice" trash can, but I can't bring myself to pay $80 for a metal comtainer that holds my trash and which usually doesn't have as much space as my cheap plastic one. So I guess I will just clean out the one I have, though really, who likes sticking their arm and torso down in there? We'll see. I could also try doing the dishes (though really, there aren't that many and I have done them recently) or bathing the dog (we did that three days ago and I don't think this is a doggy smell). But whatever happens, that funk needs to leave!
Meanwhile I am gazing outside at the sunshine, waiting for the temperature to rise so that I can spend virtually my entire day outside soaking up the sun's rays. Should I help Riley with his shed? Plant some flowers? Build a slightly raised bed for planting edible things (I am not a huge veggie fan but I have a strong desire to have a strawberry patch)? Ride my mountain bike? Run at the park? So many options! But despite the fact that today should be in at least the upper 60's, those kill-joys on the news insist that tomorrow is going to be blizzardy. Blech. I refuse to believe it. But I am still going to take full advantage of this beautiful day... as soon as I take care of that SMELL!!!
My world
14 years ago
Did you find the smell? Inquiring minds want to know! Your super-sonic smell ability always amazes me.
Nope, not yet. I have emptied the trash twice, cleaned out the fridge, put a thing of baking powder in the fridge to absorb any extra smell, done the dishes, and lit lots of scented candles, but to no avail. Sigh.
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