Sunday, March 22, 2009

Tick Tock...

I'm procrastinating.

I really need to finish my lesson plans for tomorrow, shower, then go to bed, and yet I'm sitting here blogging while Riley mends the hole in his backpacking pants with a needle and thread, he's so cute (and resourceful). Seriously, testing (*curse word*) is in three weeks and I feel that since it is my second year in the teaching profession my test scores should be higher than last year. I am thinking "crap, what have I taught them this year?". I think it's a government conspiracy to give teachers ulcers. We are good teachers, we teach what we are supposed to in interesting ways, and yet when the end of March hits we all start to panic. I think that the teachers should take the test instead of the kids, I feel so powerless.

Ok, I'm going to go finish my plans now. Tune in... soon... to hear about our spring break trip to Moab, Utah.


1 comment:

Extreme Educators said...

AMEN SISTER! I have exactly 5 school days left to cram their little brains full of everything they have forgotten since September. Here's to the most unappreciated and underestimated career in the world.